Computer Assisted Language Learning at the crossroads of AI and new ecologies for language education

Invited talk : 16th EdukCircle International Convention on Education Studies. The Philippines. May 11, 2024.


Language learning has become extremely diverse and complex since the outbreak of the Internet in the late 1990s and mobile technology in the 2010s. The role of computers has transitioned from tutors and assistants to facilitators of communication and, more recently, to key players in digital literacies, new ecologies of digital learning (Gee & Hayes, 2011) and emerging sites for language learning (Godwin-Jones, 2021, 2023). These new ecologies and sites have disrupted traditional instructed approaches to the use of technology for language learning. The sites include, among others, AI chatbots (Kohnke et al., 2023), general AI-driven web services, and augmented reality (AR). These new digital ecologies support self-initiated learning, informal and non-formal learning (Conole & Pérez-Paredes, 2017), as well as digital literacies (Kern, 2021), favouring a usage-driven and user-centered L2 pedagogy (Pérez-Paredes & Zhang, 2022). Research has not, unfortunaltely, paid enough attention to these areas (Choubsaz, Jalilifar & Boulton, 2024). In this talk I survey some of the latest trends in technology-enhanced language education, paying special attention to the use of emerging learning sites and ecologies in formal instruction.

Some references

Conole, G. & Pérez-Paredes, P. (2017). Adult language learning in informal settings and the role of mobile learning. In Yu, S., Ally, M., & Tsinakos, A. (Eds.). Mobile and ubiquitous learning. An international handbook. New York: Springer, pp.45-58.

Choubsaz, Y., Jalilifar, A., & Boulton, A. (2024). A longitudinal analysis of highly cited papers in four CALL journals. ReCALL, 36(1), 40–57. doi:10.1017/S0958344023000137

Gee, J., and Hayes, E. (2011). Language and learning in the digital age. London: Routledge.

Gillespie, J. (2020). CALL research: Where are we now?, ReCALL, 32(2): 127-144.

Godwin-Jones, R. (2011). Mobile Apps for language learning,  Language Learning & Technology,15: 2-11.

Godwin-Jones, R. (2021). Evolving technologies for language learning, Language Learning & Technology, 25(3): 6–26.

Godwin-Jones, R. (2023). Emerging spaces for language learning: AI bots, ambient intelligence, and the metaverse, Language Learning & Technology, 27(2): 6-27.

Kern, R. (2021). Twenty-five years of digital literacies in CALL. Language Learning & Technology, 25(3), 132–150.

Kohnke, L., Moorhouse, B. L., & Zou, D. (2023). ChatGPT for language teaching and learning. Relc Journal, 54(2), 537-550.

Pérez-Paredes, P. and Zhang, D., (2022). Mobile assisted language learning: Scope, praxis and theory, Porta Linguarum, IV: 11-25. DOI:10.30827/

Stockwell, G. (2010). Using mobile phones for vocabulary activities: examining the effect of the platform, Language Learning & Technology, 14(2): 95-110.

Stockwell, G. (2022). Mobile-assisted language learning. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Phil Durrant’s talk available on Youtube

Check out Dr Durrant’s talk “Researching writing development with a corpus” on our research group Youtube Channel

More info on the talk here.

More info on Corpus linguistics and applied linguistics research 2021 site.

4th Learner Corpus Studies in Asia and the World (LCSAW4)

Following three successful conventions, the 4th Learner Corpus Studies in Asia and the World (LCSAW4) will be held on Sunday, 29, September2019, at Kobe University Centennial Hall in Japan. URL


LCSAW4 is organized in cooperation with the ESRC-AHRC project led byDr. Tony McEnery at Lancaster University, UK.

Invited Speakers

Tony McEnery

Patrick Rebuschatt

Padraic Monaghan

Kazuya Saito

John Williams

Aaron Baty

Pascual Pérez-Paredes

Yukio Tono

Shin  Ishikawa

Mariko Abe

Yasutake Ishii

Emi Izumi

Masatoshi Sugiura

LCSAW4 Poster Session CFP

Date: Sunday, September 29, 2019

Venue: Kobe University Centennial Hall

Presentation Type: Poster

Language: English

Topic: Studies related to L2 learner corpus

Publication : Online proceedings with ISSN will be published.

Submission : Please send your abstract and short-bio by 20 May 2019 If you cannot access the site, please contact the organizer (

Notice of acceptance: By the end of May 2019

Full paper due: By the end of August 2019

Fee: Free

John Wells: Phonetics from blog to book talk at Cambridge


John Wells, UCL
Thursday 15 October 2015
GR06-7, English Faculty, 9 West Road (Sidgwick Site).

This talk is part of the Cambridge University Linguistic Society series.

This was the first time I had the chance to listen to Prof. Wells in person. Really fascinating talk from one of the pioneering figures in modern linguistics after WWII. He spoke about different pronunciations of common and not so common words, the influence of classic Greek on pronunciation, English varieties and about himself. He wrote a blog between 2006 and 2013. This is part of the last entry there (then):


…In fact over recent months I have increasingly been feeling that in this blog I have by now already said everything of interest that I want to say. And if I have nothing new to say, then the best plan is to stop talking.

So I am now discontinuing my blog.

Thank you, all those readers who have stayed with me over the seven years that I have been writing it. If you still need a regular fix, there are archives stretching back to 2006 for you to rummage through.

Goodbye, au revoir, tschüss, hwyl, cześć, tot ziens, до свидания, さようなら, ĝis!

ˌðæts \ɪt


Luckily, Prof. Wells is feeling better and is back with a new book: Sounds interesting, CUP:

It was an honour to meet somebody like Prof. Wells in person. It may sound overused and cliché but there’s no scholars like him these days. On a personal note, I was touched by his many references to his childhood memories.

John Wells is Emeritus Professor of Phonetics at UCL and author of Accents of English and the Longman Pronunciation Dictionary.

Investigación en Lingüística Inglesa: Tendencias, Sinergía y Retos: 6 de febrero a las 17.00h.

Este jueves, día 6 de febrero, habrá una actividad formativa denominada “Investigación en Lingüística Inglesa: Tendencias Sinergia y Retos” del Doctorado de Artes y Humanidades enfocada a los de Lingüística inglesa (e hispánica) específicamente. Será a cargo del profesor Ricardo Mairal (UNED). Tras el seminario, hemos organizado una breve sesión en la que le contéis uno por uno vuestras intenciones de investigación (ya como TFM, o tesis doctoral), quienes estéis en fase más temprana, o de lo que estáis investigando (los avanzados), para que os dé consejos. Me gustaría mucho que asistierais por el interés que os puede despertar y su gran utilidad.

PONENTE: Dr. Ricardo Mairal Usón.
Fecha: Jueves 6 de febrero a las 17.00h.
Lugar: Aula Jorge Guillén. Facultad de Letras. Campus La Merced.


Investigación en Lingüística Inglesa: Tendencias, Sinergía y Retos: 6 de febrero a las 17.00h.

Este jueves, día 6 de febrero, habrá una actividad formativa denominada “Investigación en Lingüística Inglesa: Tendencias Sinergia y Retos” del Doctorado de Artes y Humanidades enfocada a los de Lingüística inglesa (e hispánica) específicamente. Será a cargo del profesor Ricardo Mairal (UNED). Tras el seminario, hemos organizado una breve sesión en la que le contéis uno por uno vuestras intenciones de investigación (ya como TFM, o tesis doctoral), quienes estéis en fase más temprana, o de lo que estáis investigando (los avanzados), para que os dé consejos. Me gustaría mucho que asistierais por el interés que os puede despertar y su gran utilidad.

PONENTE: Dr. Ricardo Mairal Usón.
Fecha: Jueves 6 de febrero a las 17.00h.
Lugar: Aula Jorge Guillén. Facultad de Letras. Campus La Merced.