SACODEYL is a web based system for the assisted compilation and open distribution of European teen talk in the context of language education.

The project includes the collection and distribution of English, French, German, Italian, Lithuanian, Romanian, and Spanish teen talk. SACODEYL sees itself as a pedagogical mediator in the language learning process of young Europeans, exploiting web multimedia resources to deliver learning experiences based on data driven, constructivist approaches to language acquisition.

The SACODEYL corpora are made available as a free-of-charge resource on their website by the SACODEYL project consortium. They may be used for education and research purposes only. Copies of the transcripts may be distributed, as long as this statement of availability appears in the transcripts.

For all non-educational uses, please contact the coordinator of the BACKBONE project:

If you use our corpora, please use the following citations:

Pérez-Paredes, P., & Alcaraz-Calero, J. M. (2009). Developing annotation solutions for online data driven learning. ReCALL, 21(1), 55-75.

Kohn, K. (2012). Pedagogic corpora for content and language integrated learning. insights from the backbone project. The Eurocall Review, 20(2), 3-22.

Alternatively, you can try the BACKBONE server:

The BACKBONE corpora are made available as a free-of-charge resource on the Backbone website by the BACKBONE project consortium. They may be used for education and research purposes only. Copies of the transcripts may be distributed, as long as this statement of availability appears in the transcripts.

For all non-educational uses, please contact the coordinator of the BACKBONE project:

If you use our corpora, please use the following citations:

Pérez-Paredes, P., & Alcaraz-Calero, J. M. (2009). Developing annotation solutions for online data driven learning. ReCALL, 21(1), 55-75.

Kohn, K. (2012). Pedagogic corpora for content and language integrated learning. insights from the backbone project. The Eurocall Review, 20(2), 3-22.

Uso de las TIC y su aplicación a la enseñanza de idiomas


Uso de las TIC y su aplicación a la enseñanza de idiomas

29 de octubre (miércoles) de 17:00 a 20:00 horas

Bax (2003):

Aplicaciones web 2.0:

una oportunidad para contextualizar actividades comuicativas en la clase de idiomas

1. Necesitas un alojamiento y un sistema de publicación. La mejor solución es usar un servicio blog:

Para empezar te aconsejo Blogger. Si eres un usuario avanzado, te aconsejo WordPress.

2. No tengas miedo a integrar audio. Mapa conceptual de los podcasts.

3. Parte de la tecnología predominate y estudia las posibilidades de integración. Recuerda las posibilidades de integración que vemos en Bax (2003).

4. Consideremos el siguiente ejemplo:

Es una unidad habitual en los materiales que utilizamos para la enseñanaza del inglés en primaria, en concreto, para segundo del segundo ciclo de primaria, niños de 9 años.

¿Qué aspectos consideras integrables en tu praxis diaria mediante la utilización de tecnología en e laula de idiomas?

4.1. Algunas ideas:

Integra el trabajo de tus estudiantes en un poster, notas de estudio, cualquier tipo de cartelería (Link). Un ejemplo.

Genera nubes de palabras (word clouds)  a partir de l oque escriban (Link)

Sticky notes (Link) Un ejemplo:

Create your own i-pod like list of things (Link) Un ejemplo:


Vocabulary board game (Link)

Create a word wall (Link) and save it as a .pdf document

Another word wall generator (Link)

Generate vocabulary lists as a .pdf document (Link) or word searches (Link)

Create your own comic strip story (Link) and generate communication activities in the classroom.

Create your own story (Link).

Create your own comic (Link) Excellent!

Kids can write their own newspaper themselves (Link) An example:

Genera tu propio cuestionario de elección múltiple (Link)

An e-learning project poster at glogster (Link)

Mapas conceptuales online (Link)

4.2. Blog links:

4.3 Essential applications to go digital (Freeware):

Generate Flash Quizzes

Screen capture

Image editor

Audio recorder and editor

Podcast studio

Slide show movie maker

Create Flash Tutorials

Avidemux video editor