All adult linguistic categories are, ultimately, ideological constructs

[…] the very notion of “language” is a mere ideological invention. We agree that all adult linguistic categories are, ultimately, ideological constructs. However, we see inherent value in studying distinct languages and language varieties in bilingualism because of the fact that already in infancy, prior to any sociopolitical influences,
both bilingually and monolingually raised children can perceive, distinguish, and harbor strong attitudes toward different accents, regional varieties, and languages. Houwer & Ortega (2018: 3).

Houwer, A., & Ortega, L. (2018). Introduction: Learning, Using, and Unlearning More than One Language. In A. De Houwer & L. Ortega (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Bilingualism (Cambridge Handbooks in Language and Linguistics, pp. 1-12). Cambridge University Press.

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